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AC Service That Saves


For most homeowners, calling an AC service technician can literally cause their hearts to race—not so much from what they will learn about the problem, but mostly because of what fixing the problem will cost. There is often a way to avoid that fear and that pain in the wallet. You can save some serious money by using the AC service of an air conditioning professional. It’s a good idea to schedule a yearly inspection on your air conditioning system and make sure the appointment takes place well before the temperatures begin to heat up.

A professional AC service technician will run a series of tests to determine the state of your air conditioning system. Diagnostics will be run on the motor’s voltage and amp draw, along with checking the level of the refrigerant charge. The technician will also take care of maintenance tasks during the same appointment. He or she will clean the motor’s blower, as well as the motor itself. After checking the evaporator coil for cracks, the tech will clean the coil as well.

Other maintenance tasks that will be completed in an AC service call include fixing loose wires or corroded electrical connections. If you have debris or particulate matter in your drain system, this is the time of year to do a thorough cleaning on the drainpipes, ensuring good water drainage when the heat hits. Ensuring that the thermostat is operating properly, checking the belts, and replacing the air filters are other maintenance jobs that are commonly performed on a regular basis. Consistent AC service maintenance can go a long way toward increasing the life spam of your air conditioning system and its components. So, in addition to being more cost efficient, a healthy air conditioning system is much more energy efficient as well.

Service That Saves Your System

Problems can still occur, even with the best and most painstaking maintenance. Just like with cars, as air conditioners age, things wear out. It’s one of those inevitable truths of life. The older an air conditioner is, the more likely it is that it will experience problems. Here are two of the most common issues that arise that will require you to call an AC service technician immediately—especially if it’s hot outside!

The Unit Doesn’t Run

You turn on the machine and…nothing. The unit has not started. There are several reasons this could be happening, but it’s always smart to check the most obvious reason first, right?

In this case, that means it’s time to make sure the machine is plugged in. If it’s plugged in, make sure the line wasn’t tripped and the fuse isn’t blown. If none of those simple fixes work, reset the thermostat to a setting 5 degrees cooler than normal. If that doesn’t work, pick up the phone and call Peaden.

Warm Air Conditioning

Sometimes the air conditioner will seem to run well but there’s no cool air emerging—only warm air.  When this happens, check the thermostat first.  Then check the condenser. Make sure it is clean and not blocked by debris.

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